Twas the night the baby came home…

One of my favorite family Christmas traditions is either reading or listening to Twas the Night Before Christmas Poem.  I know all too well what the first night home can be like for parents, so I thought I’d try my hand at creating my own comical version.

You’ve dreamed about what the first night home will be like with your new baby since you found out you were pregnant or got the official notice on your adoption and now it is finally here. Let’s face it, parenting can be overwhelming, baby’s don’t come with an instruction handbook and they can’t tell you what they want. Parenting takes strength and determination! Enjoy the adventure.

Twas the night the baby came home and all is a fog

Not a parent was sleeping, not even the dog;

The clothes were all washed and hung out to dry

If I didn’t sleep soon, I would definitely start to cry

The world was sleeping all snug in their beds,

While visions of an all-nighter, danced in our heads,

With baby in her jammies and I in fuzzy socks

Had just settled down to stare at the clocks

When down in her diaper there rose a great thunder

I sprang from my bed to see what was that wonder

Away to the changing pad I flew like a flash

Tore open the diaper and threw it in the trash

Her bare bottom on the pad of our overstuffed chair

Gave us new meaning that she is more than a cute teddy bear.

When what to my wondering eyes should appear

But a liquidy substance and a whole lot of fear

With a tiny sweet body, so loud and so strong

I knew in a moment, that something went wrong

More rapid than a faucet, the poop just kept coming

And I whistled and shouted and prayed it to stop

Now princess, sweet angel, now baby and sister

On mother, on father, on hamster oh mister!

To the top of the onesie, on the sides of the wall

Now wipe away, wipe away, wipe away ALL

As warm wipes in my hand all covered in brown

I knew that tonight would end with a frown

So off went the onesie, the washer no match

With burp clothes and blankets to hurry and catch

And then in a twinkling, I saw in her eyes

The rumblings of something to what a surprise

As I drew in my head and was turning around,

Up her esophagus milk came with a bound

Her body was now wet, from her head to her foot

It shook and it shivered and smelled like old soot;

A bundle of clothes so far out of reach

The fine hairs on her body made her look like a little fuzzy peach

Her eyes how they shimmered, her nose how merry

Her cheeks when she cried lit up like a cherry

Her sweet little mouth drawn up like a bow

And the color of her skin was turning yellow

The stump of her cord, laid tight on her belly

Once insulated and protected- with Whartons jelly

She was skinny and small, a right jolly cute elf

And I laughed when I saw her in spite of myself

A curve of a smile and a nod of her head

Reassured me to know, I had nothing to dread

I spoke not a word but my heart melted inside

I was given a gift of to which I would abide

As she curled her hand around my pointer finger

I wished I could stay here forever and linger

She opened her mouth, her tongue tried to lick

To keep her from screaming I had to act quick

The sun was still hidden, she was now fast asleep

Colleen would be here soon and not let her peep.

To all of my friends, as I bid you good day, PLEASE take my advice

Creating a postpartum support plan is soooo worth the price!!!


Up all night

Hi, my name is Colleen and I am YOUR after baby family consultant. I love working with families and helping them plan for and adjust to life with a new baby.  Whether this is your first or your fourth, you have family in town or you are by yourself, you and your family CAN benefit from the non-judgemental, unbiased support, education, knowledge, experience and listening ear that I bring to your home.

I’d love to chat with you, so give me a call today and let’s start talking about how to make your 4th trimester a smooth transition. I will help you unlock your potential to be the best and most confident parent you can be!

Merry Christmas to ALL and to ALL a good night!

Sweet Dreams,


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