Scheduling Self-Care

Self-Care defines self-care ascare of the self without medical or other professional consultation”

Happy New Year! The hustle of the holiday season has stopped and routines are starting back up again. Some people love to make new year’s resolutions, others do not.  Some people work really hard and accomplish their resolutions and some give up after a few days or weeks. Me, on the other hand, I like to set goals and work towards them. Setting goals pushes me to work hard towards them but allows for LIFE to happen when it needs to and allows me to be guilt free!

Besides my professional goals, I also try to pick some personal goals, one of which is to choose and focus on one word for the year. Last year it was INTENTIONAL! I intentionally did more things for others, intentionally made phone calls, sent text messages and wrote letters, intentionally hit the gym 4-5 times a week, and intentionally decided to highlight a local Tucson business every Monday.  Being intentional is not always easy, but I am proud to say I lived my word out.  I am currently debating on this year’s word, but I have it narrowed down to two.

I also intentionally made time for more self-care! Whether it be a pedicure or massage, a meal with a friend or just some time alone to unplug and recharge, I made time!  Some days, I had it scheduled beforehand and other times, I just dropped in and tried my luck or made a phone call to see if someone was free. I knew that if I wasn’t intentional about it, most of the times, I would have skipped it and kept pushing forward or making excuses why not to do it.

As a mom, it is so easy to put everyone else’s needs in front of ours, but at what cost?  I just returned from a wonderful, relaxing vacation at the beach with my family and I was reminded several times of the oxygen mask theory (courtesy of 5 plane rides). In the event of losing cabin pressure, oxygen masks will fall from the ceiling and guess what?… Any parent sitting with a child is reminded to put on their oxygen mask first BEFORE helping their children!  If you can’t take care of yourself, how can you take care of everyone else?

Recharging our own batteries is necessary and in some cases should be considered mandatory. Self-care is important for your physical, mental, emotional and overall health!  When was the last time you had a physical or blood work done? Are you feeling down and need to talk with someone? Does something just feel “off”?   You have the power to do something about it and if you need help or accountability, ask! This quote by Emily Roberts does a great job of summing up self-care which equals self-love:

“Self-care is important, but some people think it’s selfish or inconsiderate. We know self-care actually makes you more effective and energetic. When you avoid things that make you feel physically and mentally well, you deplete your confidence and self-esteem. Self-care is important to maintain a healthy relationship with yourself, sometimes called self-love. It produces positive feelings, which improves confidence and self-esteem too.”

I know I am much happier and healthier and a better wife, mother, friend, nurse, etc because I scheduled time for myself.   Self-care doesn’t have to cost a lot of money either.  You can take a nap, go for a hike/walk, bake, read a book, buy a fun drink, rent a movie, journal, hold the door open for people, buy someone a meal or pay for the car behind you in the drive-thru, walk dogs at your local humane society, take a dance class, paint, try a new hobby, or volunteer doing something you love. I am raising two girls and I want them to see and know the importance of taking care of yourself because I believe it helps us all to be better individuals.

Only YOU can make this happen. Pull out your personal calendar, take down your wall calendar or open the calendar on your phone and mark out time just for YOU! Start small-an hour a month, 20 minutes a week or 5-10 minutes a day, then work up to an hour a day and eventually an entire day per month . Set an alarm on your phone to remind you to make yourself a PRIORITY.  You are worth it!

Create a list today and make 2017 the BEST year yet!

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