So I found myself at a Rebozo workshop this past week. I walked in not knowing what to expect and not sure if or how I could apply what I would be learning to my postpartum work. I love having my mind blown at workshops and love even more when I can put my knowledge to use in a variety of areas, not only for my clients and their families, but for my own family and friends.
I had heard amazing things about Gena so when I learned about an opportunity to help host a workshop here in Tucson, I jumped on it. She was quick to respond, great on the phone, over email, on Facebook and texting, so I knew it would be a fun workshop. Gena Kirby is a Rock Star, a REBOZO rock star, and a passionate human being with a great love for educating and empowering moms, dads and birth professionals.
It has only been a few days but I am still pondering about all the things I can do with this amazing tool. Before the workshop, I wasn’t sure what all the talk was about “this magic piece of cloth” but I sure learned and guess what – it is not just a piece of colorful cloth to help women in labor. Actually, it isn’t about the cloth at all, it’s about making connections. EVERYONE can benefit from using a rebozo!
The dictionary definition of a rebozo is “a long scarf covering the head and shoulders, traditionally worn by Spanish-American women.” It has a rich Mexican history with two main functions: one to wear as a garment (like a shawl), to keep one warm, shield from the sun or used for modesty and the second is for carrying a child or large bundles, hands FREE!!!
I can’t even begin to tell you how many wonderful uses it has for pregnant and laboring moms but believe me, there are a TON. For all you partners out there, go out and get one. Your relationship will be strengthened and your connections intensified. If you work with pregnant mothers, go out and buy one, it will be money well spent and your clients will LOVE you even more for connecting with them and helping them connect.
For my postpartum moms, get ready. I have some new ways to make you feel “enveloped” in comfort and help reduce some of the stress and anxieties of having a newborn. I have only begun to tap into ALL that it can do but I am so excited to try it out.
To learn more about rebozos, find a Rebozo Workshop near you, host one, follow Gena Kirby on Facebook, Instagram and on her website at www.genakirby.com. The possibilities are endless!
Remember it is not just about the birth of a baby, but the birth of the parents as well.