Your BEST Practical Friends in the Immediate Postpartum Period

Postpartum items
Postpartum items to have on hand


YES, you may want actual friends who bring your favorite magazines, netflix, movies, bottle of wine, food/snacks, fuzzy socks, two extra hands, conversation, tissues, chapstick and good smelling candles but the below suggestions are more practical for your immediate recovery and are listed in no particular order of importance….

Mesh underwear: I can’t say enough about these! They may not be sexy, but they sure are comfortable. They are non-restrictive no matter your size. They will fit you if you are a size 2 or a 22. They help keep control of the next item on the list.

Big pads: I know they feel and look like diapers, but they contain all the discharge/lochia without having to change your pad as frequently. On the bright side, you only have to wear them for the first couple days and then you can switch to your regular pads. My advice, take home any left overs from your hospital stay, they are great for the first couple nights at home.

Ice packs-Relief: I know if you have not had a baby you are thinking, yeah right, there is NO way I am putting something that cold down there, but believe me, you will thank me for including this. Ice packs help with the swelling and discomfort. Usually, but not always, they are used for the first 1-2 days, then you can be done with them. You should receive some at the hospital, if NOT, ask for them and then bring any unused ones home.

Sitz bath: warm little jacuzzi for you perineum (area between your vagina and rectum). The heat from the warm water is used to decrease swelling and bring blood back to the affected area to increase healing (see previous blog about sitz baths).

Numbing spray/tucks: if you have a skid mark, laceration or episiotomy, this spray will be a close friend.  After cleaning off with your peri bottle, wiping or patting gently and replacing your pad, a little spray of the numbing spray will make the journey to your next location more enjoyable. If you sprouted some hemorrhoids during pregnancy or delivery, the tucks pads will also reside inside your sexy mesh undies and help relieve any discomfort while sitting or lying down.

Peri bottle: TAKE this home with you when you leave the hospital or birth center. If you forget, just use a cup. The main reason for this is it to help keep you clean and reduce the risk of infection. ALWAYS test the water temperature before you squirt off. Too hot or too cold will be quite an uncomfortable shocker. Use this until all your bleeding is gone.

Comfy-like “Charmin” toilet paper: I usually don’t recommend splurging on toilet paper and like my plumber says, they LOVE Charmin as it is a main clogger in toilets, but it sure does feel better when gently patting or wiping after delivery.  Rough, dry toilet paper is not beneficial. After a couple weeks, you can go back to Costco’s brand.

Nipple cream: even if your latch is great, your nipples may still need some help in the “toughening up” department. They will be used 8-12, sometimes more times a day and they need a little TLC. Expressed breast milk works too. Ask your lactation consultant at the hospital for a sample, as a little bit goes a long way. Otherwise you can buy it almost any drugstore or most grocery stores in the baby aisle.

Nursing pads (disposable or cloth)/big beach towel: once your milk “comes in” usually between day 3-5, you may leak from both sides, one side when nursing on the other or when you hear the sound of a baby crying.  Nursing pads can help save your bra and shirt as they absorb leaking milk. TIP-place a big beach towel under you while you sleep in case you leak all over the sheets (it is much easier to get another towel than change your sheet).

Nursing bras: just make breastfeeding simpler. They usually have a latch, hooks or snaps that make removing one breast at a time easier while keeping the other one covered. They “grow” with you as well so they can be bought during pregnancy.

Comfy jammies/nursing tank tops: hopefully you can spend some time lounging after the birth of your baby, because who doesn’t love hanging out in their jammies? Find a comfy, stretchy pair and if you can find one with nursing slits, consider that an added bonus. If it is HOT, nursing tank tops are great for quick and easy breastfeeding on the go or at home.

Bottle of Hand Sanitizer: this is great to have around in the main area where you spend most of your time. Of course, sanitizer should not take the place of proper hand washing, but in a pinch it is nice to have it easily accessible (if you have small children, put it up someplace safe). Plus, it is easy to say to your older child (who loves to touch his/her younger sibling) or to the house guests that drop by to see your baby, would you mind sanitizing before you touch the baby?

Big water bottle: hydration is still important after delivery, especially if you are nursing. Some hospitals give away large water bottles as reminders for moms to stay hydrated. If yours does not, go out and buy a fun one, preferably with a straw. You will need it with you all the time, as nursing makes you thirsty and your body needs it to survive!  If you don’t like the taste of water, put some lemon or other fruit in it to help with the taste.

Yummy snacks: remembering to eat after the birth of your child can be hard. Sometimes it is the effort to make something, lack of appetite or sheer exhaustion that makes you forget. Graze throughout the day. Have finger foods and nutritional snacks like fruit, veggies, granola bars, sandwich meats, pretzels, popcorn, trail mix, cheese- sticks, yogurt or nuts as they are easy to grab and eat on the go or while nursing. Food helps give you energy, if you are running on empty, remember to fill yourself up!

Postpartum Doula: a non-judgmental, unbiased, experienced, passionate, walking, talking, hugging, supportive listener who comes to your house to help you transition.

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