One of my favorite memories with my girls, when they were little, was reading to them. We’d snuggle in nightly to read and read and re read the same books over and over. Certain books were chosen for me to read and others for my husband to read and most of the time we were NOT allowed to read each other’s books. Apparently we read differently!
The older they got, the closer they would watch the pages, pointing to things on the pages, turning the pages or say a word that they recognized. Reading to your children is super important for so many reasons: language acquisition, learning sounds, words and languages, stimulates curiosity and aids in brain development just to name a few. Plus, it is a great time to bond with your child.
Children’s book coming soon
When a former client reached out to let me know she had written and illustrated a new book, I had to know more. Meet the author of Grumpaloffagus, Kristin Gundenkauf.
Q. Kristin, congratulations on this amazing accomplishment! Who was your inspiration to write this new book?
A. My main inspiration for Grumpaloffagus is my 18-month old daughter, Aria, but she is only one of many that inspired the book. I have been involved youth for a long time, on top of having many nieces, nephews, and godchildren. They are all so unique and inspiring – I could write book for ages based on their experiences.
Q. Who is Grumpaloffagus? What does he represent?
A. Grumpaloffagus is a kid dinosaur that experiences many different forms of grumpiness – from simple things like being hungry and tired, to more complex emotions like being embarrassed, scared or frustrated. Though Grumpaloffagus, for me, is Aria, Grumpaloffagus is anyone – yes, even grown-ups – who get grumpy from time to time.

Q. What message are you hoping to convey in your story?
A. This book is all about understanding why we get grumpy so we can work through those feelings. Grumpaloffagus, aside from being silly and fun, is meant to help facilitate discussions between parents and their little ones. When we get grumpy, we can easily get stuck in a vacuum of negative thoughts and feelings. What doesn’t help is the fact that, as a culture, we tend to associate shame and failure with feeling upset. Even as an adult I find I get grumpy from time to time, only I have context, words, and experience to try and work through it.
For children, without context and an understanding that we all get grumpy from time to time, it can be quite difficult and emotionally draining when those feelings of grumpiness arise. So, if we understand we are all grumpaloffaguses from time to time, we can then be empowered to conquer those negative feelings.
Who is this book for?
Q. What is the age range for readers?
A. The intended age range is 3-7, or preschool to second grade. However, since it is intended as a mechanism for self-reflection, it can work for a broader range. Surprisingly, I have found myself referencing Grumpaloffagus when I have gotten frustrated, so I think the content translates to various ages!
Q. When will the book be released and where can we buy it?
A. The book will be available for purchase on Amazon by October 15. It will be released under my name, Kristin Gudenkauf. You can follow my publishing site, Baby Rex Productions, on Facebook for updates. https://www.facebook.com/BabyRexProd
Q. Is there anything else you want to share with us?
A. I hope this book helps your little ones better understand their feelings and help them to find what works for them in moving past those hard emotions. My favorite thing about this book is that it creates a safe-space for kids to feel what they feel, trigger self-reflection, and work through it – and, hopefully, that is a skill set that will benefit them into adulthood.
Thank you Kristin!
Happy reading, creating memories and gaining a better understanding of your children’s inner GRUMP:) For more tips, head on over to read my blog posts at https://www.yourfamilysjourney.com/doula-blog/ or visit my FB page at https://www.facebook.com/YourFamilysJourney