“I would maintain that thanks are the highest form of thought, and that gratitude is happiness doubled by wonder.” -G.K. Chesterton
THANK YOU for taking the time to read this blog.
Now, was that hard for me to say? No. Did it make you feel appreciated? I hope so, because you didn’t have to read this, you chose to read this.
Two Little Words That Make Such a Difference!
Saying THANK YOU is considered good manners, a simple courtesy and can be incredibly powerful to say and hear.
I don’t want to come across as preachy in this blog but I just wish more people used these two words on a daily basis and were appreciative for the blessings that they have.
I was raised to say THANK YOU for everything. I remember dreading certain celebrations because I knew I would have to write thank you cards for any and all gifts received. Just saying thank you didn’t cut it at my house. A verbal thank you was expected after compliments, speaking with elders, opening gifts in front of the person, constructive criticism, food, invitations to go places, sportsmanship, etc. My mom instilled that gesture into me at a very young age, and still to this day I try to send thank you notes in a timely manner (I have been known to crank them out on Christmas day).
I’ve found that this is no longer the norm anymore and it makes me sad. It is never wrong to write a thank you note nor is it ever too late. A late thank you note is better than NO thank you note at all. It is a sign of respect and consideration.
As Maya Angelou said, “when you know better, you do better.” As a parent, tell your children THANK YOU when they get ready without you having to ask them. As an employer, tell your employees how much you appreciate them and watch their performance soar. As a spouse, tell your partner, THANK YOU for being YOU. As a person in a drive thru, tell the person handing you your money/food or drink, THANK YOU and have a great day! It only takes a few seconds to say and it doesn’t cost you a thing. TRY it and watch the recipient smile.
Now, I will focus this blog post on saying THANK YOU for baby gifts you receive. It is fairly common to receive gifts for your new baby both before and after they arrive. I know this can be incredibly time consuming, but it really is appreciated by the giver. Hand written notes are the best and most personal but here are a few other ways to help you achieve this laborious task:
-keep a stack of Thank You cards and stamps handy (someplace where you can get to them)
-write a Thank You note as soon as possible. The longer you wait, the harder it is to remember. At your baby shower, suggest for the host to have the guests write their address on an envelope. Take the piece of paper with all the gifts received and once you unpack the gifts, sit down and write.
-create a prefilled one that says. Thank you for the _____________________, your thoughtfulness is greatly appreciated (these are great for kids to use as it is less writing).
-send an electronic thank you card
-make a phone call
-send an email
-send a text
-private message or direct message
-create a personalized GIF or snapchat
-try your hand at saying it or writing it in a different language. Examples (thank you google translator and please forgive me if I have not written them correctly):
French- Je vous remercie
Japanese- domo arigatou gozaimasu
Portuguese- obrigado
Croatian- hvala ti
South African- siyabonga
Arabic- shukraanVietnamese- cảm ơn bạnGerman- Danke
As a parent, I love to hear others tell me how polite my children are. Hearing THANK YOUs from my children to us help us to reaffirm that we are raising them to be appreciative for all things given to them. My girls may not like writing THANK YOUs after Christmas and birthdays, but they no longer complain as they know it is mandatory and much appreciated by the receivers for their consideration and thoughtfulness.
I know it takes time to sit and do, but it is greatly appreciated, especially if the gift is handmade, because the giver had you or your baby in mind while making it. There’s something very thoughtful about receiving a thank you note after you’ve given a gift and invested time and money into that gift.
Thank you for reading and sharing this blog. Spread kindness and watch the smiles happen!