Countdown is on….

T minus one month and counting till your expected due date……

For those of you who like lists, here are 31 ideas to help you feel prepared before baby arrives, in no particular order!

31. Plan a date night with partner to reconnect, share hopes and dreams, have sex!

30. Discuss new roles and responsibilities for all family members

29. Spend some special time with your other children, make them feel special, pick out a toy from the baby especially for them and let them find something special for their new sibling

28. Pamper yourself (mani/pedi) massage, eyebrows waxed, hair cut (might be a while till this can happen again)

27. Nest….clean house, fridge, pantry, bathrooms etc or HIRE someone to do it!

26. Get baby’s areas ready (diapers, wipes, burp clothes, paci’s, rash cream, onesis)

25. Install car seat, get it inspected by a certified car seat technician

24. Pre-register at hospital

23. Do a practice run for your route to the hospital/birth center, explore other routes too just in case.  Do not drive yourself while in labor and your nervous partner should NOT drive like Jeff Gordon either to get you there in time

22. Make sure gas tank stays at least ¼ full or more depending on far away you live from where you are delivering

21. Prepare freezer meals and register at and send out to family and friends to guarantee a home cooked meal

20. Buy healthy, easy to grab snacks-fruits and veggies, cheese and crackers, pretzels, granola bars, dried fruit

19. If you have other children/school age children, how will they get to and from school or other activities so you don’t have to take them, schedule playdates, etc

18. Don’t forget about your pets…who will watch them while you are away.  Who will and how will you introduce them to the new baby?

17. Pack your overnight bag, not a suitcase, just a duffle bag (pj’s, slippers, bathroom essentials, comfy, non fitted clothes to go home in)

16. Review your birth plan with ALL people to be present at delivery plus your OB or midwife

15. Take a tour of the birthing facility

14. Grab and make a copy of your prenatal records…remember babies come when they want to, not when it’s convenient!

13. Make sure batteries, chargers and all technological devices are ready to go

12. Make some padsicles (google how to make them), buy some “granny panties” to throw away, maxi pads and breast pads for your postpartum period

11. Stock up on hand soap or hand sanitizer, require ALL visitors to wash up before they lay hands on your baby.

10. Check smoke alarms and CO2 detectors or change the batteries, just in case!

9. Delegate who will be THE person to call, email or text birth announcement with ALL pertinent details (gender, weight, length, name, time of delivery, hair or no hair and color)

8. Buy THANK YOU notes and stamps plus collect emails or addresses

7. Visit and decide on a pediatrician

6. Make a video for your baby to watch when he/she gets older about your pregnancy and your dreams for them.

5. Pick out a special “picture” outfit for your baby.

4. Buy 2 good nursing bras

3. Make a play list of music that will help relax you while in labor

2. SMILE, take a deep breath and get ready for a great adventure

1. Hire Colleen to meet ALL your postpartum needs!

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