Common Blunders in the First Few Weeks After Your Baby is Born

Parenting blunders
Parenting Blunders


In my 18 plus years of working with postpartum families both in and out of the hospital, I have seen, heard, supported and educated thousands of families on common blunders that are made during this special time.  There is no harm done if you fall into some of these but just remember, YOU are the expert on your baby and you have a say in how your postpartum period goes.  Don’t be afraid to say NO, take the help when it is offered and ask for help when you need it. Here are a few of my favorites that I think help parents the most.


DON’T google everything!

DO trust your instincts

DON’T try to be superwoman

DO ask for help and hire a Postpartum Doula

DON’T be so hard on yourself

DO be accepting that you may not love every second of parenthood and it is OK!

DON’T read every book ever written on parenting

DO read your baby.  You are the expert on your baby!

If breastfeeding:

DON’T skip feeds because baby is sleeping!

DO feed baby on demand or at least every 1-3 hours in the first month

DON’T struggle with breastfeeding or nipple pain, soreness or overall discomfort

DO seek the advice of a qualified professional (IBCLC, postpartum doula, certified lactation educator or counselor, La Leche League or your hospital’s breastfeeding support group)

If bottle feeding:

DON’T over feed your baby because they keep sucking down the formula

DO increase increments slowly if baby seems hungry after feeds

DON’T try to do everything when baby sleeps

DO use the time to sleep, rest or take some personal time for yourself

DON’T feel like you have to get dressed up everyday

DO lounge around in your jammies or yoga pants, it helps reminds you that you are still recovering

DON’T feel like you have to entertain the masses that want to hold your baby

DO feel free to post a sign on your door, on Instagram, on FB, Twitter or on your voice mail that you will call when you are ready for visitors, do NOT feel guilty about this!

DON’T diet and cut back on food and calories

DO eat nutritiously and at least 3 meals a day or 4-6 snacks a day to keep up with breastfeeding and healing.  It took you 40 weeks to grow a baby, don’t expect the weight to melt away immediately.

DON’T ignore your partner

DO work together and make time for each other

DON’T forget to schedule your 4-6 week follow up appointment with your physician or midwife

DO schedule it to make sure your body is healed and ready for intercourse and exercise

DON’T rely on exclusive breastfeeding to prevent ovulation and another pregnancy

DO use some form of contraception when resuming intercourse

DON’T stay cooped up at home

DO get out and enjoy the outdoors, play groups and life

DON’T listen to those that say you are going to spoil your baby

DO hold and cuddle your baby however much you want, they need it to feel safe and secure

DON’T schedule your pediatric appointments on Mondays (sick kids from the weekends need to be seen)

DO schedule them any other day, either first thing in the morning or right after lunch (better to get in and out quicker)

DON’T be overwhelmed by all that needs to be done

DO make lists and set realistic goals for yourself daily.  If it can wait, let it!

DON’T let anyone tell you that you are NOT good enough

DO tell yourself that you are ENOUGH!

DON’T hide your feelings or suffer from baby blues, postpartum depression, anxiety, OCD or worse

DO talk to someone trusted or seek help right away if it worsens

DON’T sweat the small stuff

DO enjoy every minute of their sweetness because they grow up too quicklyJ

Parenting is hard and everyone has a piece of advice for you.  Just nod and smile or say Thank You, but remember that you are the expert on you, your baby and your new family.

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