And have NO agenda…
This is YOUR journey; I am here to guide you along the way!
My goal is to foster your independence so when I am no longer in need, you will feel calm and confident along YOUR parenting journey.
I believe in parents and that parents know their child best and what will work best for their family, therefore unless there is a safety issue, I will support your decisions! I check my opinions and my personal philosophies at the door!
So whether you decide:
Breast or bottle
Cloth or disposable
Circumcised or not
Pacifier, thumb or none
Co-sleeping or sleeping in crib
Vaccinated or not
Home school, private, charter or public
Store bought baby food or homemade food
Attachment parenting or Baby wise
Staying at home, returning to work and role reversals
The choices are yours!
There is so much information, evidenced based research and lots of unsolicited advice available at the click of a mouse, that you may feel overwhelmed. I can help you comb through it all to feel informed and then find what works best for you and your family.
I bring a wealth of knowledge, experience and passion to all the families that I work with. Visit my website today at to learn how I can support you.