Postpartum Doula


Create a plan before you GET STUCK!

When you find out you are pregnant, the planning begins by:

  • Finding an obstetrician or certified nurse midwife
  • Deciding on where you want to deliver
  • Taking prenatal vitamins
  • Reading books to prepare for pregnancy and childbirth
  • Making a birth plan
  • Taking some classes
  • Talking to other parents
  • Registering for needed baby items
  • Decorating the nursery
  • Etc., etc., etc…

Don’t forget to think about planning AHEAD for your postpartum period!

You can start planning at any point in your pregnancy, but it makes most sense to start in your third trimester. As a postpartum doula, I will sit down with you and start planning for this special time. Having a baby is an incredibly exciting, yet overwhelming, time. Take some of the stress off by planning BEFORE you get home.

Topics to discuss at postpartum consultation:

  • Determining your support system
  • Choosing a pediatrician/Family practice doctor
  • Teaching newborn care basics: bathing, swaddling, dressing, burping
  • Meal planning
  • Creating a plan for sibling & pet introductions
  • Maternal and family mental and physical health
  • Roles and responsibilities of parents
  • A plan for returning to work
  • Breast feeding, pumping, bottle feeding
  • Finding support groups (MOMS groups, breastfeeding groups, Mom and Me classes
  • AND so much more…

Each postpartum plan is customized to fit YOUR FAMILY’S needs. Don’t wait till you are stuck, plan ahead and prepare NOW.

Let Tucson’s Postpartum Trifecta: RN-DOULA-BREASTFEEDING help you discover your niche after your baby arrives.

Call and schedule your consultation today!

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