To all the dads out there, I hope you are blessed beyond measure today and every day that follows. I don’t think dads get enough credit these days – well the good ones at least. We have all heard the stories about the dead-beat dads out there, but today is a day to celebrate and focus on the good ones. Let me share what makes my dad and my husband awesome fathers.
My dad, father, pops, pa-hair, Ramon, daddio, El Jefe, Dr H. and grampie are just some of the names my dad answers to proudly. My dad is the best! As a little girl, I remember wrestling matches in my parents bed (which usually made my mom crazy), playing monster, snuggling, playing horseshoes, him building a huge 2 story house for our guinea pigs, made up stories, putting up a hammock in between our bunk beds so we could swing inside the house, painting a square on our back wall so we could learn where the strike zone was, playing Uno with the high school church group till the wee hours on Christmas Eve and the list goes on and on. Then as I got older he played basketball with our friends, cheered us on at our sporting events, danced, grilled, snuggled, talked openly, taught us how to drive, change a tire and save money, listened and most importantly LOVED us unconditionally. He is a role model, my inspiration and taught me how to be a God fearing woman. He taught me the importance of hard work, reaching for my dreams and to never to give up. Thanks for the tough talks when I didn’t want to hear what you had to say, thanks for saying it anyways! He also imprinted in me that it’s ok to lose sometimes as long as I did my best – that is all that matters!
He is also my rock, confidant, teacher and friend. I never remember a time when he wasn’t there when I needed him and I can tell him anything without fear of being judged. He worked hard for 32 years as a police officer in Los Angeles and Tucson, earned his Master’s degree and is one of only nine police officers in the United States to obtain his PhD. He did all of this while being a devoted husband, invested father and working full time as the Chief of Police at the University of Arizona. He is now a Professor of Criminal Justice at West Texas A & M University where he continues to make a difference. I have seen him laugh uncontrollably and cry uncontrollably. I have seen his unbearable pain and grief when he couldn’t “make it all better” when my son, his grandson, passed away. I’ve relied on his strength to get my through some rough times and will forever cherish those moments. He is a strong, loyal, loveable, honest and a funny man who loves life and his family. He is not only an amazing dad, but husband, grampie, brother, professor, mentor and friend. If you are in his circle, you are more loved and cherished than you can imagine.
As a little girl, I wanted to marry someone just like my dad, with his characteristics and the capacity to love unconditionally. I found him! My husband David, aka Mi Amor, Yo POPS, David John, Weasie, Socks, or daaaaaaaadd. He isn’t my dad, thank goodness, but he is as close to a perfect match as I ever imagined. We met in high school on the soccer field and the rest is history. He survived my dad “cleaning his gun” in front of him, being pushed around on the basketball court, going on double dates with my parents and five years of harassment from my dad before we said I do. He asked my dad for my hand in marriage and we started our journey together. Still to this day, they are competitive on the basketball court, racquetball court and the golf course. They love to hang out and gloat about each other’s accomplishments. My parents treat him as their son. My husband and dad talk frequently about business, life and everything in between. They also both love to entertain themselves and channel their deceased mothers in fits of hysteric laughter. This is a sight to behold when they both laugh and tears flow abundantly. Besides their competitive nature, they also enjoy a good drink, grilling, listening to music, washing cars, napping and hanging out together. They are two peas in a pod and I couldn’t love either of them more!
David is an amazing dad as well. He loves spending time with his girls whether it be on the couch playing games, reading, watching movies, getting yogurt or ice cream, putting puzzles together, kicking a soccer ball with them out back or on the field, giving pre game pep talks, rocking out to music in the car, taxiing them all over town, attending birthday parties, taking them roller skating, teaching them to ride a bike, working on school projects, tickling or taking them out on individual dates, he just loves spending time with his family. My girls LOVE their dad and have a very close relationship with him. The girls sometimes complain because dad is working or on a trip, but they also understand the value of hard work and know that he would much rather be with us then where he is, but they know he is providing for us. We have high expectations of our girls and he sometimes has to be the “bad guy”, but he does it with love and gentleness. No, he doesn’t care if “all your friends are doing it!” He is, like my dad, way outnumbered in the estrogen field at home, but willingly listens, engages, embarrasses and LOVES his girls. He has been through unimaginable grief, first as a boy when he lost his mother to cancer and then as a dad, when he lost his son. Through it all he has been strong, resilient and firmly believes that all things happen for a reason. He is dependable, devoted, loyal, loving, giving, stern, funny, my rock and best friend!
Not quite sure what I did to deserve these 2 wonderful men in my life, but I am beyond grateful for their influences in my life and my daughter’s lives. I love them forever and for eternity. THANK YOU for being who you are and molding, sculpting and loving me for who I am. Your character, leadership and inspirational ways motivate me to be a better person. I can only hope and pray that my daughters will find men who steal their hearts and love them unconditionally. I hope you both have an amazing day and know what a blessing you are to so many.