

Babies, Teeth and the Dentist

When should you take your little one to see the dentist?

Baby’s first teeth

There is nothing cuter than a BIG CHEESY smile with a little tooth poking out of the gums. Little teeth are sharp and baby’s will love to chew on things even more than they did before. As with all things, baby’s can vary with teeth eruptions, but usually baby’s first teeth (bottom central incisors) will poke through between 3-6 months, followed by the top central incisors 6-9 months. Typically, by age 3, your child will have 20 pearly whites and a full smile.  [Read more…] about Babies, Teeth and the Dentist

Day dreaming and traveling. Where Would I Go? What Would I Do?

Adventures in traveling
Adventures in traveling


Being a new mom is hard and staring at the same four walls can get tiresome day after day.  It can also be lonely.  Even though your days may be full of feeds, diaper changes, snuggles, naps, feeds, diaper changes, burping, housework, errands and when lucky, a shower,  sometimes you may need to just lose yourself in the moment and re-charge. [Read more…] about Day dreaming and traveling. Where Would I Go? What Would I Do?

Tucson Kid Friendly Activities

Looking for kid friendly activities in Tucson?

Tucson Kid friendly activities

At my last couple of postpartum home visits, I have been asked, “what is there to do with my 0-5 year old in Tucson?” As a recovering mom with a new baby and a stir crazy older child, the thought of packing up and going out is probably the last thing on your mind. However, it could make for a better, calmer and happier afternoon for YOU. [Read more…] about Tucson Kid Friendly Activities

Due to COVID 19, Colleen will be providing virtual and/or in home support.

Feel free to call, text or email her for virtual support in the comfort, safely providing virtual and in-person support based on families needs!